Nursery in Aberdeen achieves First Green Flag Award

Bright Horizons News

Bright Horizons at 24 St Swithin Nursery in Aberdeen has successfully achieved the prestigious Green Flag Award, in recognition of the various child-centred activities linked to environmental sustainability, as part of the Eco-Schools Programme in Scotland.

Nursery in Aberdeen achieves First Green Flag Award

The award is a result of the ongoing involvement of the nursery in the Eco-Schools Programme. The initiative is composed of seven steps that nurseries and schools follow, designed to empower young people to make changes that help to protect the environment and develop their understanding of the impact of climate change. Those involved in the programme can achieve the Green Flag Award as recognition and acknowledgement of the ecological achievements of children and young people.

Helen, Nursery Manager at 24 St Swithin Nursery said:I’m so proud of our colleagues and children who have worked hard to achieve this award and have been so passionate and enthusiastic to learn about our environment and all the ways they can take action. We set up an Eco-committee to involve the children and their parents in our eco-activities. The committee has helped shape the different ways we can help the environment and encourage each child to carry on the activities at home.

“It’s so important to be able to include experiences nd enrichment sessions about the environment. Our Scottish Curriculum for Excellence for those over 3 years old encourages the children to learn about biodiversity and the impacts of global warming. Through some of their activities, such as exploring ways to reduce food and paper waste, they are helping to protect the planet, whilst inspiring other children to do the same.”

The nursery has been working hard to achieve the Eco-Schools Green Flag status. Their recent activities include planting a Queen’s Green Oak tree, in partnership with the local council, at the Queens Terrace Gardens. They also took part in the ‘Litter League’ where the children went litter picking in the area to keep it clean.

Some other eco-activities involved the children recycling used paper to make new paper; they documented and weighed food waste in the nursery and reported back to their Nursery Chef who amended the quantities in recipes and meals, which resulted in having less food waste. The nursery has been encouraging recycling; repurposing items such as, a t-shirt to make bags; and the children have been donating toys, books, and clothes that they no longer need, for others to use.

Bright Horizons currently has 40 nurseries across England and Scotland who have achieved the Green Flag Award. For more details on our passion for sustainability within our nurseries please visit here.