Bromley nursery children plant seeds

Children at Bright Horizons Bromley Day Nursery and Preschool have been showing off their green fingers recently by planting and seeding.

The children interacted with each other as they talked through the planting process, which included placing soil in pots and watering the seeds once inside. This was part of Bright Horizons’ Growing Gardeners programme which aims to help children interact with the natural world around them.

“They will be observing the changes over the next week to measure and discuss the changes that they see,” said Jay Emirhan-Kantar.

A young child waters some seeds whilst his friends watch

Bright Horizons now provides twice-weekly access to Covid-19 lateral flow tests for all staff within our nurseries, in line with the Government’s guidance and protocol for early years settings in England. This marks the latest step in Keeping Everyone Safe within our nurseries.