Get updates on your child’s nursery day, straight to your pocket
Bright Horizons Family app enables you to stay connected with real-time updates of your child’s nursery life.
It’s all too easy to be bombarded by different systems and channels, so our app keeps things simple. Our app will give you peace of mind that your child is safe and well, and provide a convenience that saves you time.
How to Access
The Bright Family App is available as an app on your smartphone and through our website on your computer, so you can receive information at home or on the go.
When your nursery goes live with the app you will receive an email from Famly, our app provider, with the link you will need to create an account and download the app and all the instructions are simple to follow from there. You will also be able to download it from the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android devices.
App Capabilities
Building a relationship with our nursery families is hugely important to us. Our app keeps everyone connected and makes it even easier for you to communicate with us, and for us to communicate with you.
For launch, our app will offer three key tasks, which we will build on over time to provide a wide range of exciting and interactive functions. To begin with you will be able to:
These functions mean it’s never been easier to get in touch, as the app features two-way communication between you and your child’s
Checking Progress nursery, allowing you to get notifications of messages in real-time and be able to reply instantly.
Through your child’s nursery profile, you’ll be able to see what your child has been learning and get status updates including mealtimes, nappy changes, room locations and more through the handy activity log. You’ll even receive photos and videos of your little one, so you can be sure they’re happy!
Your child’s Learning Journey will be available via the app, so you can see developmental updates, celebrate their milestones and look back on how far they’ve come.
Practical Solutions
Booking sessions, answering nursery requests and notifying the nursery of pickup changes or absences can also be done through the app.