Settling into the Bright Horizons Family

Starting at nursery can be an exciting time for you and your child. It’s a special place where new friends and childhood memories will be made and the next steps in development taken, but we also know that it can be an emotional journey. That’s why we want to make you and your family feel right at home when you join us. Our Settling in Sessions will provide you with the chance to get to know your nursery - and the wonderful people in it - from day one.

Settling in Sessions

These sessions are non-chargeable and can start up to six weeks before your start date, giving you and your child all the time it takes to become familiar with their new surroundings. The relationships in a child’s life are very important for their wellbeing, safety, stress regulation, resilience, and development. We know that attachment to at least one caregiver provides children with the secure base necessary to explore, learn, communicate, express their emotions, develop new skills, and to thrive!

At Bright Horizons, our Nurture Approach recognises the importance of the Key Person role in creating a sense of emotional safety for children, providing an environment in which they feel known, safe, and loved. This starts the very first time a child and their parent/carer spend time in the nursery, often during what is referred to as ‘settling in’ sessions. These first visits and time spent with their Key Person make all the difference, building a triangle of trust between the Key Person, the child, and the parent/carer.

How it Works

To get started, you’ll be able to book your session with your nursery manager at a time that suits you. You are encouraged to stay so you can help your child feel comfortable during their transition from home to nursery. Eventually, as the sessions progress, you’ll be supported by your child’s Key Person to leave your child with us. We advise this is for short periods at first, then gradually extending your time away, as this helps your child learn that you will be coming back. We very much work around the individual needs of your child and your family. Every child is unique, so this will be different for everyone. Some children settle quickly, while others may take a bit longer.

What to Expect

These first sessions are about getting to know each other, playing, sharing experiences, and creating strong attachments and bonds. This helps create a smoother transition and provides children with the best start to their nursery experience. As well as playtime for your little one, you can use the time to ask all your questions about nursery life, experience what a day in the life at nursery will look like and start to build your relationship with the team.

When you join us, we’d love to know any routines, likes, and dislikes your child has. From nap times and feeding habits, to languages spoken at home and that all-important cuddly comforter, the more information we know, the better we can get to know your child and make sure they get the best possible start.

What to Bring

It can be an exciting moment to choose their first bag or rucksack for nursery, and if your child is able, why not encourage them to pack it with you. You won’t need to bring a lot, but a spare set of clothes is a must, along with an item from home such as a favourite blanket or toy. Some of our parents also like to include an item of clothing that smells of their perfume or aftershave. This can often reassure your little one that you will be returning soon.

Helpful Resources

Tips to Help Your Child Settle into Nursery
Support for Parents Navigating the Settling in Process
From One Parent to Another: 8 Top Tips for Settling into Nursery
Settling Your Baby or Young Child into Nursery

For plenty more insightful articles and useful tips for parents, visit our family zone section.

We had the pleasure of catching up with one Bright Horizons parent, Tasha, who has recently returned to work from maternity leave. Watch our video now to find out how her and her son got on at their Settling in Session: