Transient Art

Transient art describes anything creative or imaginative that doesn't stay in one place for long and involves the use of collections of loose, moveable parts.

You will need:

  • Natural resources such as moss, flowers, petals, grass, stones, seeds, fir cones, twigs, small pieces of wood, shells, feathers... the list goes on
  • Seasonal resources such as pumpkin seeds, conkers, horse chestnuts, acorns, autumn leaves.
  • Mini pom poms Cotton wool
  • Plain or coloured pasta
  • Beads
  • Buttons
  • Pieces of cut up drinking straws
  • Coloured aquarium gravel
  • Cotton reels
  • Craft sticks
  • Corks

The activity:

  • Go on a hunt in the garden to collect items that could be used
  • Find an old photo frame or even make a frame out of sticks
  • Provide a range of resources listed and allow the child to be free to create whatever picture they like; this may be a portrait or even a pattern.

TOP TIP: This is a fun, exciting and imaginative activity that allows children to create their own masterpieces - without bounds. Outdoor materials make the best pictures!

Extending the activity:

  • Why not try the activity on a mirror too, allowing you to explore symmetry.
  • Encourage children to place items using tools

Enrich vocabulary development with related words such as:

Crispy Texture Round Oval Crunchy Dimension Rough Smooth Collect Natural Soft Hard

How this supports knowledge & development:

  • This creative activity is great for exploring mathematical possibilities. During the activity talk to your child about shapes, patterns, colour and textures.
  • You can use positional language such as ‘on', ‘under' and ‘next to'. Children will develop their fine and gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination through actions such as holding, grasping, and pinching.
  • It supports children's creativity, exploration, and concentration.
  • Collecting natural materials will help your child to learn about nature, patterns, and colours within our natural environment.
  • The activity allows both you and your child time and space to focus on your senses.

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