Painting with Water

painting with water

You Will Need:

  • Water
  • Variety of brushes, rollers and sponges
  • Variety or pots, bowls or buckets
  • Dry garden and a little bit of sunshine!

The Activity:

  • Lay out all of your resources and encourage children to self-select.
  • Take your resources out into the garden and paint away! You could do this on floors, fences, sheds or furniture. In the first instance you may need to demonstrate. You could try working together to paint something, such as the fence or encourage children to make marks, talking about what they are creating. You can also do this inside with cardboard or card, you may just need to wait a little longer for it to dry out!

Extending The Activity

  • If you have an accessible tap, encourage children to fill up the pots or buckets with water (with supervision)
  • Talk about the container being empty and full

Words to introduce during the activity to support language development

  • Empty
  • Full
  • Light
  • Heavy
  • Wet
  • Dry
  • Shape
  • Draw
  • Evaporate
  • Heat
  • Drench

How this supports your child's learning:

Children will enjoy making marks and experimenting, using different brushes this will promote fine and gross motor skills.

Top Tip:

Children will enjoy the activity with just one brush and bowl, or lots! Use whatever you have in the house.

Can you take a picture of your little one doing this activity so you can talk about the activity again. Great for reflection and memory.

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