10 Ways to Help Build Your Child’s Confidence

Our partners at Role Models share their top tips for developing children’s confidence.

One of the biggest gifts we can give our children is confidence. Throughout their early years, children are building their internal picture of how they view themselves; their self-esteem, self-efficacy and mindset are being shaped. What can we do to positively impact these important life skills?

Here are 10 ways we can help build our child’s confidence during their early years, with phrases to help encourage them:


Developing Confidence

  • Ask your child for their help
  • “I need your help with this, can you help me count/sort/cut/fix/switch this on.”

  • Challenge them
  • “Can you try doing it a different way?”

  • Help them understand and name their emotions
  • “You seem [angry/sad/jealous...] – where in your body do you feel it and can you describe it?”

  • Develop their curiosity
  • “I wonder what might happen if we [add one more/turn it upside down…]”

  • Provide opportunities for your child to take control and make decisions
  • “What shall we play on first at the playground?”

    “Which job shall we start with?”

  • Praise perseverance
  • “You kept trying, even when it didn’t work first time, well done!”

  • Positively frame ‘tricky’ things
  • “This looks like a challenge! It’s going to be fun!”

  • Respect and trust your child’s responses
  • “That’s ok if you’re feeling a little shy, you’ll know when it feels right to come and say hello.”

  • Encourage and develop independence
  • “I know you can do this on your own, I’m going to leave you to it but I’m here if you need help.”

  • Help them see their progress
  • “Do you remember when you needed my help to [put your coat on/get dressed/tidy up…] and now look at you! You can do it all on your own.”


    At Role Models, we help children develop life skills that promote social and emotional wellbeing, and dynamic thinking. We help young people thrive in life through our online life skills sessions. The EYFS, Curriculum for Excellence and Foundation Phase are all aligned with the importance of confidence in the early years. We have recently launched live, interactive Early Years Online Sessions for children aged 3½ to 5 years old. These sessions are 45 minutes long and are a brilliant way to help your child develop confidence and communication skills. Learn more about these sessions here.

    This article was written by Louise Treherne, Director of Character Education at Role Models. Louise has a degree in Psychology, 12 years’ experience as a teacher and 5 years as a Senior Deputy Head at a London Prep school. She now works as a Professional Coach and Educational Consultant.

    If you enjoyed this article and found it to be useful, you can check out more of our early childcare resources in our Family Resource Zone!

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