Kirkby maintains its outstanding Ofsted status

Bright Horizons Kirkby Day Nursery and Preschool maintains its outstanding status following its most recent Ofsted inspection. The report notes the nurturing nature of the Nursery team and the excellent care provided to children.

Bright Horizons Kirkby Ofsted Outstanding

The nursery received its inspection on 8 December 2022, with all categories passing the ‘outstanding’ status. Ofsted report on four key categories; quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

The inspection is usually carried out through various tasks including observing the interactions between practitioners and children as they undertake activities as well as interacting with the team and the children to assess levels of understanding and development in the early years setting. Some comments from the report included:

  • “Highly trained staff ensure that children are exposed to rich language, indoors and outside, to help them to become confident communicators.”

  • “Children of all ages thoroughly enjoy story time. A love of reading permeates the nursery”

  • “Parents give considerable praise to the manager and staff for the continuous exceptional support their children and family receive. They say the nursery is like an extended family due to the staff’s nurturing nature.”

Nursery manager Sarah, said: “Myself and the team are extremely pleased with the Outstanding grade, The team at Kirkby Day Nursery are dedicated and passionate which has shone through in our report. We will continue our outstanding work using Bright Beginnings, a curriculum committed to ensuring that wellbeing, creativity and promoting a general love of learning is at the forefront of everything we do here at Bright Horizons.”

To find out more about Bright Horizons Kirkby Day Nursery and Preschool visit the website here.