Solihull nursery receives Good rating from Ofsted

Solihull Ofsted

The nursery received its inspection on October 7th and was rated as ‘Good’ in all 4 areas of inspection: The quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Personal development; Leadership and management. 

Inspection activities included the inspector observing the quality of teaching during activities and assessing the impact this had on children’s learning. Comments from the report included:

  • There have been significant improvements since the last inspection, which have had a positive impact on the provision. The new manager is inspirational and leads her team with a clear and considerate ethos for providing high-quality care and education. Staff are motivated and empowered to take on new roles and responsibilities. There is a focus on team working and culture of mutual support and guidance. The manager and staff regularly attend training and complete research to help refresh their knowledge and understanding. They regularly evaluate and assess practice and strive to continually enhance the provision for children.
  • Staff get to know the children well. They liaise closely with parents to gather initial information about the children. Care needs such as weaning methods and routines for sleep are identified and matched well to those at home. This helps children settle well into a new environment.
  • There is a well-planned programme of activities and experiences for all children. This starts from what children already know and can do and then considers children’s interests and what they need to learn next. There is a good balance of child-initiated and adult-led experiences, which build on each child’s prior learning and extends their knowledge and understanding effectively. For example, children plant fruit and vegetable seeds in the garden and nurture them, making sure they have enough water and sunlight, as they grow. When the fruit and vegetables are ready for harvest, children are supported to pick them and use them in cooking activities with the chef.

Chelsea Jones, Nursery Manager, commented: “The team have worked incredibly hard over the last 12 months to improve quality and standards within the nursery and this is really reflected in the children’s learning experiences. The Ofsted inspection report represents a true picture of what it is like to be a child at our nursery. I am proud to have led the team on this journey and am excited about what else the future holds for Bright Horizons Solihull.”

Solihull Nursery GardenInside Solihull NurserySolihull FrontSolihull Ofsted