Aberdeen nursery receives positive report from Care Inspectorate

Nursery staff and children play in the nursery garden

Bright Horizons Shell Altens Nursery in Aberdeen recently received its report from the Care Inspectorate which graded the nursery as “Very Good” for its care and support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The inspection took place from February 9th to 22nd and comments from the report included:

  • Children and families were well supported in areas of health and wellbeing. Staff had a nurturing and adaptable approach to provide this support through changing circumstances. Staff used imaginative and fun ways to introduce changing routines and experiences to the children, involving them wherever possible. Children were involved in discussions about new experiences and routines and helped to risk assess in a way that was meaningful to them. This helped children feel a sense of ownership over changes that had to be made.
  • Staff evaluated practice from the first lockdown into the second. Staff remained in close contact with families during the second lockdown period, supporting them well, building on trusted relationships. Staff identified areas of individual support they could give to families and children and worked with them during the course of
    Covid-19. Parents commented on how helpful, valuable and caring staff have been. This has helped support children’s safety and wellbeing.
  • Staff took the necessary precautions through a range of approaches to reduce the spread of infection as set out in guidance. Prior to reopening, management and staff had created a Covid-19 risk assessment and had updated their Infection Prevention and Control policy. This was shared with staff and families and set clear guidance and expectations.

Nursery Manager Helen Stevenson said: “I am absolutely delighted with the outcome of our recent Care Inspectorate result. It’s a testament to the trusted partnership that we have with Shell and our families at Altens. The recognition of the additional COVID practices Bright Horizons have implemented was particularly gratifying, as Keeping Everyone Safe is a key priority for us all. The entire team would also like to acknowledge our wonderful, resilient children at the nursery, whose welfare, learning and happiness is the reason we strive to always be better.”